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Hold your brush to the side of your bridge of the nose
- the inner edge of your brow should start here.

Hold the brush from the outside of your nose along the corners of your eyes
- this is where your brows should end.


My current favorite brow products:


This stuff is so pigmented and so creamy, it applies like a dream. Its very long lasting and once it dry, it sets. And doesnt budge. This product is also waterproof and smudge free, so yes girls, you dont have to worry about your brows fading or melting all over your face even after you swim, and lets pretend that your eyebrow is naturally awesome as that! This is a perfect brow product for oily skin, atau untuk kita khususnya yang tinggal di jakarta yang cuacanya sangat humid ini. It takes some practice to create a natural looking eyebrow using this product as this product is so pigmented dan kadang kalo ga hati-hati pakainya bisa keliatan fake banget alisnya karna ketebelan.

its more on the pricey side, tapi menurutku worth it banget karna kamu hanya butuh sedikiit productnya di brush to fill in your brows perfectly! So, this lil glass jar will last you for ages.

And of course, you need a good brush for this one! Just use any fine angled brush that you prefer.

Another thing that i think this product needs is a spoolie. Untuk membantu kita ngeblend semuanya supaya lebih terlihat natural.

Ps: screw the lid properly so its not drying.


Both liquid and pencil formula in one package.. Hmm, how great does it sounds? 
Waktu pertama aku beli, yang aku notice pertama kali adalah packagingnya, the pencil part doesnt comes with a cap. For some odd reason that i didnt know why. 
Yang aku suka dari product ini, dia light banget, both the liquid and the pencil is not highly pigmented, which is great, karna aku prefer pakai pencil alis yang ga terlalu tegas warnanya supaya alis kita tetep terlihat natural. The only cons about this, aku ngerasa dengan harga yang menurutku agak pricey, dia ga banyak ngasih product. Cepet banget abisnya karna isinya cuma sedikit. But i still really love this stuff, i think its amazing, and it stays all day too! Aku beli ini di Debenhams dept store di bagian yang jual barang-barang impor dari jepang.


It comes in dual-cap, pencil in one side and a spoolie on the other side. Berbeda dari pencil alis kebanyakan, pencil alis dari etude ini bentuk nya unik banget, it comes in a triangular shape, tekstur nya juga smooth banget, creamy tapi setelah dipakai sets to matte. Such an amazing product to fill in my sparse brows without looking too much. Its so subtle but you can easily build up the intensity, so its yours to decide, mau bikin alis yang lebih terlihat natural atau lebih bold.

I do highly recommend this product for you out there that just started to get into brow product, as this product is super easy to use and very affordable.


Read my review -- here


My very first brow product. Pertama kali beli waktu aku mulai nyoba-nyoba ngotak-ngatik alis. Hahaha. Sekitar hampir 4 tahun yang lalu, masih dibilang beginner banget urusan alis, iseng-iseng beli karna harganya juga affordable banget. Eh, ternyata bagus banget! It contains of 2 shades of brow powder, wax cake, a small angled brush and a spoolie, which is very handy. Untuk pakai, pertama brush alis kalian kearah atas dan gunain wax nya terlebih dahulu, untuk sets your brows and keep them in place. Setelah itu baru apply powdernya, kalian bisa mix 2 shades powder ini untuk dapetin warna yang lebih match. lalu brush lagi dengan spoolie, untuk nge blend warnanya dan agar terlihat lebih natural.


Hands down the best brow gel out there. No doubt. It sets and keeps my brows in placa PERFECTLY. I really love the way it makes my brows look, aku ngerasa alisku jadi keliatan 1000x lebih bagus kalo pake ini, ga lebay. Hahaha. Selainb itu, dia juga tahan lama banget, awet seharian sampai akhirnya aku hapus pakai remover. Dulu aku ngerasa ga penting banget pakai brow gel, but now its been one of my daily staple that i reach for everyday.


Pertama kali aku nyoba product ini adalah saat benefit ngadain Gimme Brow Bash, and im lucky enough to be invited to this event! Aku jadi bisa nyobain Gimme Brow sebelum akhirnya product ini launching di Benefit Cosmetics Indonesia. Dan sampai sekarang aku masih cinta banget sama product ini! Dia bener-bener penyelamat saat aku lagi buru-buru dan ga punya waktu untuk ngapa-ngapain alisku. Its a tinted brow gel with brow-volumizing fibers that add thickness and also add color to your brows, that look just like your natural brow hairs. I love the fact that the brush is so tiny, sangat memudahkan saat kita apply di thinner ends precisely.

If youre one of those people that always late in the mornings like me, this guy right here will be your best friend.

Gimme Brow Bash 2013

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