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i've been suffering with dry and chapped lips for the last few years & been trying a lot of products and use it for almost every night before bed, but nothing made a difference. and aftter seeing and hearing a lot of great reviews about this i decided to give this a try.

Lucas Papaw Ointment is made in Australia from pure Australian papaws. if youre wondering what Papaw is, its Papaya. yes. this multipurpose ointment is made from fermented papaya which believed to have healing properties. it has a lot more uses than just keeping your lips smooth, this product can be used as a local topical application for minor burns & scalds, sunburn, rash, cuts & minor open wounds, insect bite. i also slather it on my cuticles to keep them moisturizes and to my feet to get rid of cracked heels. you can put it on anything, seriously.

konsistensi dari Lucas Papaw ini agak sedikit thick, but it melts upon skin contacts. dan juga gak terasa greasy dipakainya. dulu sebelum coba ini, aku struggling banget dengan bibir kering, bisa hampir tiap bulan bibirku bengkak saking keringnya (ini beneran ga lebay)  apalagi pas mau pakai lipstick. walaupun udah pakai lip balm sebelumnya, teteeep aja rasanya kering banget. tapi setelah beberapa bulan rutin pakai ini tiap malam (bahkan aku jarang banget pake ini during daytime) i noticed that the results is impressive. aku ga pernah lagi ngalamin yg namanya bibir kering parah. dan walaupun aku pakainya malam sebelum tidur, paginya tuh masih kerasa banget lembab dibibir.

kadang aku juga pakai ini 5 menit sebelum aku pake matte lipstick, setelah 5 menit dibersihin dulu pake tissue sisa2 nya sebelum mau apply lipstick.

i carry this with me everytime. apalagi kalau aku mau berpergian ke tempat yang dingin. because its really good for any dry areas. ga cuma di bibir aja.

soo guys, i highly recommend this product. im obsessed with this stuff! this is the first product that actually make a real difference on my lips.

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